Saturday 29 August 2009


masuk ni dah 2 kali aku mimpi pasal FOE.1st mimpi ngan full line up.siap ikut g tour lagi seh..macam real je..bile bangun tido aku tersenyum keriangan,hepi..hehehe..yela,nak jumpe real x kesampaian.jumpe dalam mimpi pun bolela.hihihihi..2nd mimpi plak more to aku lepak ngan gitaris die,steve..merepek ar mimpi yang 2nd ni.adeke steve ni asalnye orang malaysia.hahaha..muke die macam pelakon drama pun pelik pelakon tu.hahaha..xpe.yang penting aku stim sama FOE.lantakla orang nak cakap ape..dengo sangat cakap orang xkan kemane..pada aku FOE ni sebuah band yang genius.tersangat genius..kerana tiap2 rilisan dieorang ade connection.tu yang best,yang bikin mahal tu beb ini band..
dari owsla,split ngan down to agony pastu dioerang supposed split sama ICOS tapi x jadi coz ICOS nak fokus pada full rilisan dieorang FOE teruskan ngan elil, and then tharn iaitu lagu yang ade dalam album elil,dominion thelogy tapi diremixkan dengan alunan piano dan bermacam2 lagi alat musik yang harmony.menjadikan ianya layan,santai untuk didengar..hasil kolobrasi sama PAPER AEROPLANE..terbaik!dan yang terakhir inle..aku dah agak coz dieorang akan main makin slow coz tengok dari owsla bawak ke elil dah nampak sikit ar..n aku kontek vokalnye,alex untuk pertanyaan lebih lanjut..die admit yang FOE bermain slow seperti envy,cult of luna.tapi inilah apa yang dieorang nak,aku respek ar pilihan dieorang..
inle memang berhantu seh..bile FOE bagi free downlaod,aku dengan sepantas kilat download.tu la 1st time aku download seh..hahaha..berjaya seh!huhuhu..bile didengar semua lagu FOE yang baru memang layan,best.sampaikan aku terpaksa buang lagu2 dalam hp aku demi FOE.memori kad dah le 1 gb je.FOE punye side je dah 268 mb siak.xpela,aku jadikan playlist aku sepanjang tempoh aku habis download tu sampaila sekarang..yang paling best pada aku lagu, 'REPUBLIC OF HEAVEN'..cari chord gitar,dropkan tune lagi.hahaha..obses sungguh aku seh..THE BURIAL pun best..WARREN OF SNARES memang layan gile..hahaha..aku sanggup beli buku WATERSHIP DOWN demi nak study ape yang FOE suke..sampaikan kasut MACBETH pun aku terpengaruh ngan dieorang..hahaha..gile obses aku ni..

FALL OF EFRAFA - A story in three acts (original in german at their site, badly translated using google translate)The dubbing of the successful novel "Watership Down" by Richard Adams, the name "The Warren of Snares" bear goes into the third and final round. FALL OF EFRAFA treads one last time on their strengths and tell the story to an end. A band created by a musical legend to life, over three albums epic proportions. Three albums, nothing more, then end. This takes courage and, above all, a great degree of self-discipline. "Inle," the final act begins quietly, with the subliminal threat. Silent guitars, a recurring melody played. They will cite a story, a part of the book: "These throws of rapture, kindly hands Caress broken bones, hands that cut through parched soul like a sharpened stone. What is it that we leave in fitting these moments? Sentiment ?.....". Curious listening to the spoken words and over again compounded short attacks on the percussion, which can scare .. Gradually, it will be louder, the more aggressive beats, massive guitars, until it is quiet again and we are already at "Fu Inle is located. What follows here is a positive value to the monotony that is second to none and always will remain intense. There are the driving drums, the harsh and gloomy voice and melodies, which can listen spellbound. A listening, which should be rewarded. FALL OF EFRAFA tell the story of the death of Hazel-frame, the leader of the rebels Owsla from the first part of the trilogy of the band. This all comes in a metaphorical conversation between the dying and the black rabbit is told and lyrically very exciting. The monotony, which is inherent in this song yet the listener and pulls him completely under their spell. Here is history, but it was already said. From the slow monotony out about it seamlessly into the driving early highlight of the album. The pace is faster, the game with catchy guitars and the structure no longer equals that which we previously heard. "Republic Of Heaven", a song with a voltage arc for an entire album. A 14-minute epic with a climax, which is initiated by the words "The king is dead" and is accompanied by brachial proclaimed "We bound his face! Cut off his head! We spit at thee, we curse at thee, the king is dead! Brothers and sisters, the king is dead! Cut him down, his skin Flay, our god is dead. " The goose bumps, which comes about when the whole band to the audience screams against these lines, is almost indescribable. Then change the track again and again proposes completely new ground, only to then return to the starting position to land. FALL OF EFRAFA from those minutes are rampant than ever before, and know always continue to increase. From this point knows "Inle" no turning back and goes only forward. The tracks to find an extra intensity, energy and sometimes even geniegleichem madness. Under the ten-minute limit makes it not a piece on "Inle more, except for the very brief and purely instrumental pieces held interim" The Sky Suspended. " A particularly striking is because "Woundwort", which with a campfire romanticism of a somewhat different type ones. The quiet sounds of the beginning is also the harsh voice of front man Alex, by her emotional vocal could not be broken. This gives calm before the storm, although one always has in mind that the finale of the trilogy, the bitter end of FALL OF EFRAFA, inevitably once again all of his listeners will demand. And that is then reflected in "The Warren of Snares", the last track of this epic journey. The liberation of Owsla is imminent and so is the conclusion. FALL OF EFRAFA again take all their skill and their strength together and leave the album with a post-hardcore blow in the pit of the stomach. Here again, all you need. The all-building tunes that are in the overall context as proving a huge tower, which always threatens collapse threatens to bury everything under itself. This happens during the 17 minutes, but it also has something of liberation, as the story also states that incredible melody underscores the conclusion that only once. The chapter FALL OF EFRAFA closes just like the last chapter of "Watership Down" and so is the band's history. A lasting impression, however, has left and this is perhaps even more than you originally wanted. 'Inle' is massive, intense and rich in both energy and emotional, as well as musical outbursts. An absolute masterpiece in terms of post-hardcore, and this trilogy is a long time to none. An excerpt from the statement of the band on her project will now finish this novel and of itself, because even more will I have to say: "In the context of the trilogy, The Warren of Snares is a metaphor for our uneasy footing upon the earth. As we continue our arrogant reign, we set traps for ourselves. Be that climate change, over population or reliance on medieval teachings for guidance. We open those snares wide, for us to Tread upon at a later date, to die at our own hands. "
A track by track breakdown of British post-[hardcoremetalrock] act Fall of Efrafa’s third full length album would simply read ‘epic’ 7 times. The majority of tracks on this vegan opus clock in at between 10 and 17 minutes. This is the final instalment of Fall of Efrafa’s 3 albums that re-imagine the story and themes of Watership Down in a quasi-political polemic – an effort that makes Coheed and Cambria’s Star Wars wet dream seem half hearted.
Inlé takes it time. There’s little room for subtlety here, but there are moments of wistful beauty interspersed with bludgeoning hardcore which elicits The Ocean and Neurosis. The vocals are a monotonous roar which occasionally breaks down to a Frank Carter-esque rasp while the guitars cast a doomy air across these rhythmically sparse soundscapes. Highlights are the doom-core of Wonderwort and the final track The Warren of Snares which wraps up this series in spectacular style surging and and waining before culminating into a pummeling finalé.
Fall of Efrafa should perhaps be congratulated for being the only band in history to base their entire career on rabbits and their dedication is commendable. However, Inlé is perhaps too ponderous for it’s own good – Efrafa may be labouring a point here, and they’re certainly labouring the music. I’ve no doubt that this album will blossom it’s purposeful beauty after repeated listens, but time is precious, and you have to wonder whether Efrafa are in any hurry to spread their message.the inevitable noseFall of efrafa - Inle.This a preemptive review of the record, now available for download, but to be released on Double LP and CD later this month. Inle is the final installment of a trilogy of records collectively known as The Warren of snares - an ambitious project involving a concept surrounding the book watership down. Although the lyrics are steeped in metaphor and the odd use of the rabbit language called "lapine" - fall of efrafa have created a dense multi layered project that should be appreciated for its mere tenacity, even f you dislike the music they play. They formed in 2006 in brighton, uk - blending angry fast hardcore punk with elements of atmospheric metal, they released Owsla - the swansong of a dying world. A year later the second part of the trilogy Elil was released, an entirely different animal, three 20 minute songs, turning their sound on its head with epic passages of driving post rock, isis esque post metal and the hardcore punk as crescendos to each monumental build up.So it was not at all surprising that Inle is yet again a mile apart from its predescessors. Two years in the making, Inle is a marked progression of their sound. Guitarists Steve McCusker, Neil Kingsbury, bassist Mike Douglas and drummer George Miles have pushed their sound to breaking point. Gone is all sign of the d-beat elements of the band, yet they still retain the anger and desperation incorporated into a controlled, overwhelming oeuvre. The sound is more open, apparently recorded in a semi live environment. There are five actual songs on this album, yet the massive introduction piece "simulacrum" could be counted as a song on its own, a haunting dark lullaby of epic proportions, blending seamlessly into Fu inle, according to the lyrical explanation, a conversation between the albums dying protagonist and death itself. Vocalist Alex Bradshaw screams with more heart on this record than the last album, which adds to the overall energy. This track climaxes before falling into the second track, Republic of heaven, almost a call to arms, a song blessed with a triumphant chorus, and massive ending. The burial is a crunchy bombastic song, riff heavy rocking hardcore with envyesque ethereal qualities, before stripping back the layers for Woundwort, a song that harks back to Elil in its somberness.It also adds an unexpected southern quality to the mix, a twang that features on this song and on the subsequent segue The sky suspended, a quiet reflective piece. This paves way for the final ever fall of efrafa song The warren of snares, the title track of the entire trilogy. This song seemed to represent the whole album. Fall of efrafa have never been a complicated band musically. Their songs are simple structures that build on simple structures. Their technical ability is in the pacing of their songs, and in most cases the long (and often burgeoning on too long) single chord build ups break at just the right time, allowing great chasms to open up and swallow you whole with crushing chord progression. It is also the strong mythological narrative that blesses this band with a unique quality that will no doubt be copied and pasted on every progressive metal band for a few years to come. Inle is about the feeling invoked. Inle means death, but this is an uplifting album. It has the feeling of a band in control. There will be many that miss the up tempo changes, the crusty hardcore sound that they created on Owsla, but it is obvious this was not a conscious decision and more of a logical next step. This is exactly how they describe themselves, a mixture of distinct genres. This album also manages to maintain the Fall of efrafa sound without playing up to the many bands that inhabit that world of post metal. It is a beautiful, record, full of feeling and passion. Fall of efrafa are still angry at the world, but a little more reserved.Matt ZOMG! zine

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